Kruti Dev is Second most common font used for Hindi Typing in many Typing Test Examination.Ī Unicode font (also known as UCS font and Unicode typeface) is a computer font that contains a wide range of characters, letters, digits, glyphs, symbols, ideograms, logograms, etc., which are collectively mapped into the standard Universal Character Set, derived from many different languages and scripts from around the world. DevLys is most common font used for Hindi Typing in many Typing Test Examination. So, Download and install these hindi fonts in your computer. These fonts are widely used in India for Hindi Typing. If you want to check that these hindi fonts are legacy or not then you have to double click on these fonts, if these font display hindi that it will be confirmed that these fonts are legacy hindi fonts. Legacy hindi fonts are those that we use normally for Hindi Typing like Devlys, Kruti Dev, Chankya, Krishna, KBC and many more.